SSJ  3.3.1
Stochastic Simulation in Java
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 CAbstractChronoAbstractChrono is a class that acts as an interface to the system clock and calculates the CPU or system time consumed by parts of a program
 CAnovaThis class automates the process of replicating estimators of the ANOVA variances
 CAnovaObserverANOVA observer
 CArithmeticModThis class provides facilities to compute multiplications of scalars, of vectors and of matrices modulo m
 CArrayOfComparableChains< T extends MarkovChainComparable >This class provides tools to simulate an array of MarkovChainComparable objects with the array-RQMC method of [139], [141]
 CArrayOfObservationListenerRepresents an object that can listen to observations broadcast by lists of statistical probes
 CAxisRepresents an axis of a chart encapsulated by an instance of XYChart
 CCategoryChartThis class provides tools to create charts from data in a simple way
 CContinuousRepresents a variable in a continuous-time simulation
 CContinuousDistChartThis class provides tools to plot the density and the cumulative probability of a continuous probability distribution
 CContinuousDistributionMultiClasses implementing continuous multi-dimensional distributions should inherit from this class
 CContinuousStateRepresents the portion of the simulator’s state associated with continuous-time simulation
 CCoordinateSetRepresents a set of coordinates
 CDataFieldThis class represents a data field from a file read by an instance of a class implementing DataReader
 CDataReaderData reader interface
 CDataWriterData writer interface
 CDensityEstimatorThis abstract class represents a univariate density estimator (DE)
 CDiscrepancyThis abstract class is the base class of all discrepancy classes
 CDiscrepancyContainerThis class is used to compute, store and display discrepancies
 CDiscreteDistIntChartThis class provides tools to plot the mass function and the cumulative probability of a discrete probability distribution over the integers
 CDiscreteDistributionIntMultiClasses implementing multi-dimensional discrete distributions over the integers should inherit from this class
 CDistributionThis interface should be implemented by all classes supporting discrete and continuous distributions
 CDistributionFactoryThis class implements a string API for the package probdist
 CDMatrixThis class implements a few methods for matrix calculations with double numbers
 CF2wStructureThis class implements methods and fields needed by the classes umontreal.ssj.hups.F2wNetLFSR, umontreal.ssj.hups.F2wNetPolyLCG, umontreal.ssj.hups.F2wCycleBasedLFSR and umontreal.ssj.hups.F2wCycleBasedPolyLCG
 CFBarThis class is similar to FDist, except that it provides static methods to compute or approximate the complementary distribution function of \(X\), which we define as \(\bar{F} (x) = P[X\ge x]\), instead of \(F (x)=P[X\le x]\)
 CFDistThis class provides methods to compute (or approximate) the distribution functions of special types of goodness-of-fit test statistics
 CTextDataWriter.FormatOutput format: organize fields as columns or as rows
 CGofFormatThis class contains methods used to format results of GOF test statistics, or to apply a series of tests simultaneously and format the results
 CGofStatThis class provides methods to compute several types of EDF goodness-of-fit test statistics and to apply certain transformations to a set of observations
 CHilbertCurveMapThis class implements the mapping of a Hilbert curve in the \(d\)-dimensional unit hypercube \([0,1)^d\)
 CIntrospectionProvides utility methods for introspection using Java Reflection API
 CJDBCManagerThis class provides some facilities to connect to a SQL database and to retrieve data stored in it
 CKernelDensityThis static class provides methods to compute a kernel density estimator from a set of \(n\) individual observations \(x_0, …, x_{n-1}\), which define an empirical distribution
 CLeastSquaresThis class implements different linear regression models, using the least squares method to estimate the regression coefficients
 CListOfStatProbes< E >
 CListOfTallies< E >
 CListOfTallies< PartialVariance >
 CListOfTallies< umontreal.ssj.stat.Tally >
 CListOfTalliesWithCovariance< E >
 CListOfTalliesWithCovariance< umontreal.ssj.stat.Tally >
 CMathFunctionThis interface should be implemented by classes which represent univariate mathematical functions
 CMathFunctionUtilProvides utility methods for computing derivatives and integrals of functions
 CMatrixOfObservationListenerRepresents an object that can listen to observations broadcast by matrices of statistical probes
 CMatrixOfStatProbes< E >
 CMiscThis class provides miscellaneous functions that are hard to classify
 CMonteCarloExperimentProvides generic tools to perform simple Monte Carlo experiments with a simulation model that implements one of the interfaces MonteCarloModelDouble, MonteCarloModelDoubleArray, or MonteCarloModelCV
 CMonteCarloModel< E >An interface for a simple simulation model for which Monte Carlo (MC) or RQMC experiments are to be performed
 CMonteCarloModel< double[]>
 CMonteCarloModelDoubleAn interface for a very simple simulation model for which Monte Carlo (MC) and RQMC experiments are to be performed
 CMonteCarloModelDoubleArraySimilar to MonteCarloModelDouble except that the returned performance is an array of real numbers
 CMultiDim01This interface represents a point or array of \(d\) dimensions in a unit hypercube \([0, 1)^d\)
 CMultiDimComparable< T >This interface is an extension (or variant) of the Comparable interface in Java
 CMultiDimComparable< MarkovChainComparable >
 CMultiDimSort< T >This interface is meant to be implemented by certain multivariate sorting algorithms that sort objects based on different fields (or dimensions)
 CMultiDimSort01< MultiDim01 >
 CMultiDimSortComparable< T >
 CMultiFunctionThis interface should be implemented by classes which represent multivariate mathematical functions
 CMultipleDatasetChartProvides tools to plot many datasets on the same chart
 CMultivariateFunctionRepresents a function of multiple variables
 CNativeUtilsA simple library class which helps with loading dynamic libraries stored in the JAR archive
 CListWithStat< E >.Node< E >Represents a node that can be part of a list with statistical collecting
 CNortaInitDiscThis abstract class defines the algorithms used for NORTA initialization when the marginal distributions are discrete
 CNumThis class provides a few constants and some methods to compute numerical quantities such as factorials, combinations, gamma functions, and so on
 CObservationCollector< E >
 CObservationListenerRepresents an object that can listen to observations broadcast by statistical probes
 CGofStat.OutcomeCategoriesChi2This class helps managing the partitions of possible outcomes into categories for applying chi-square tests
 CPgfDataTableRepresents a data table which has a name, a number of observations (rows), a number of fields (columns), an array that contains the names (identifiers) of the fields, and a two-dimensional array that contains the data
 CPlotFormatProvide tools to import and export data set tables to and from Gnuplot, MATLAB and Mathematica compatible formats, or customized format
 CPointSetThis abstract class represents a general point set
 CPointSetRandomizationThis interface is for a randomization that can be used to randomize a umontreal.ssj.hups.PointSet
 CRadicalInverseThis class implements basic methods for working with radical inverses of integers in an arbitrary basis \(b\)
 CRandomMultivariateGenThis class is the multivariate counterpart of umontreal.ssj.randvar.RandomVariateGen
 CRandomPermutationProvides methods to randomly shuffle arrays or lists using a random stream
 CRandomStreamThis interface defines the basic structures to handle multiple streams of uniform (pseudo)random numbers and convenient tools to move around within and across these streams
 CRandomStreamFactoryRepresents a random stream factory capable of constructing instances of a given type of random stream by invoking the newInstance method each time a new random stream is needed, instead of invoking directly the specific constructor of the desired type
 CRandomStreamManagerManages a list of random streams for more convenient synchronization
 CRandomVariateGenThis is the base class for all random variate generators over the real line
 CRandUnuranThis internal class provides the access point to the C package UNURAN
 CRijndael_AlgorithmRijndael –pronounced Reindaal– is a variable block-size (128-, 192- and 256-bit), variable key-size (128-, 192- and 256-bit) symmetric cipher
 CRijndael_PropertiesThis class acts as a central repository for an algorithm specific properties
 CRootFinderThis class provides methods to solve non-linear equations
 CRQMCExperimentSeriesThis class offers facilities to perform experiments on the convergence of the variance when estimating a mean (expectation) with a series of RQMC point sets usually of the same type, but different sizes \(n\)
 CRQMCPointSetThis class is used for randomized quasi-Monte Carlo (RQMC) simulations [125], [126], [192], [193]
 CScaledHistogramThis class provides histograms for which the bin counts (heights of rectangles) are replaced by real-valued frequencies (in double) and can be rescaled
 CSearchAbstract class for the search of highly uniform point sets with LatNet Builder
 CSearcherThis class implements methods to search for the best lattices of rank 1, defined as follows [219]
 CSimThis static class contains the executive of a discrete-event simulation
 CSimExpRepresents a framework for performing experiments using simulation
 CSimulatorRepresents the executive of a discrete-event simulator
 CSSJCategorySeriesCollectionStores data used in a CategoryChart
 CSSJXYSeriesCollectionStores data used in a XYChart
 CStatProbeThe objects of this class are statistical probes or collectors, which are elementary devices for collecting statistics
 CStochasticProcessAbstract base class for a stochastic process \(\{X(t) : t \geq 0 \}\) sampled (or observed) at a finite number of time points, \(0 = t_0 < t_1 < \cdots< t_d\)
 CSystemeThis class provides a few tools related to the system or the computer
 CTableFormatThis class provides methods to format arrays and matrices into String s in different styles
 CTextDataReaderProvides static methods to read data from text files
 CTimeUnitRepresents a time unit for conversion of time durations
 CTransformingList< E, ListWithStat.Node< E > >
 CXYChartThis class provides tools to create charts from data in a simple way