| Preds (Simulator sim) |
double | derivative (double t) |
| Continuous () |
| Constructs a new continuous-time variable linked to the default simulator, without initializing it.
| Continuous (Simulator sim) |
| Constructs a new continuous-time variable linked to the given simulator, without initializing it. More...
void | init (double val) |
| Initializes or reinitializes the continuous-time variable to val . More...
double | value () |
| Returns the current value of this continuous-time variable. More...
Simulator | simulator () |
| Returns the simulator linked to this continuous-time variable. More...
void | setSimulator (Simulator sim) |
| Sets the simulator linked to this continuous-time variable. More...
void | startInteg () |
| Starts the integration process that will change the state of this variable at each integration step.
void | startInteg (double val) |
| Same as startInteg, after initializing the variable to val . More...
void | stopInteg () |
| Stops the integration process for this continuous variable. More...
abstract double | derivative (double t) |
| This method should return the derivative of this variable with respect to time, at time \(t\). More...
void | afterEachStep () |
| This method is executed after each integration step for this Continuous variable. More...
static void | selectEuler (double h) |
| Selects the Euler method as the integration method, with the integration step size h , in time units, for the default simulator. More...
static void | selectRungeKutta4 (double h) |
| Selects a Runge-Kutta method of order 4 as the integration method to be used, with step size h . More...
static void | selectRungeKutta2 (double h) |
| Selects a Runge-Kutta method of order 2 as the integration method to be used, with step size h . More...
boolean | active |
double | value |
Event | ev |
double | phi |
double | pi |
double | buffer |
double | sum |
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