SSJ  3.3.1
Stochastic Simulation in Java
[probdist] Continuous Distributions


class  BetaDist
 Extends the class ContinuousDistribution for the beta distribution [100]  (page 210) with shape parameters \(\alpha> 0\) and \(\beta> 0\), over the interval \([a,b]\), where \(a < b\). More...
class  BetaSymmetricalDist
 Specializes the class BetaDist to the case of a symmetrical beta distribution over the interval \([0,1]\), with shape parameters \(\alpha= \beta\). More...
class  CauchyDist
 Extends the class ContinuousDistribution for the Cauchy distribution [99]  (page 299) with location parameter \(\alpha\) and scale parameter \(\beta> 0\). More...
class  ChiDist
 Extends the class ContinuousDistribution for the chi distribution [99]  (page 417) with shape parameter \(\nu > 0\), where the number of degrees of freedom \(\nu\) is a positive integer. More...
class  ChiSquareDist
 Extends the class ContinuousDistribution for the chi-square distribution with \(n\) degrees of freedom, where \(n\) is a positive integer [99]  (page 416). More...
class  ChiSquareDistQuick
 Provides a variant of ChiSquareDist with faster but less accurate methods. More...
class  ChiSquareNoncentralDist
 Extends the class ContinuousDistribution for the noncentral chi-square distribution with \(\nu\) degrees of freedom and noncentrality parameter \(\lambda\), where \(\nu> 0\) and \(\lambda> 0\) [100]  (page 436). More...
class  ErlangDist
 Extends the class GammaDist for the special case of the Erlang distribution with shape parameter \(k > 0\) and scale parameter \(\lambda> 0\). More...
class  ExponentialDist
 Extends the class ContinuousDistribution for the exponential distribution [99]  (page 494) with mean \(1/\lambda\) where \(\lambda> 0\). More...
class  ExponentialDistFromMean
 Extends the ExponentialDist class with a constructor accepting as argument the mean \(1/\lambda\) instead of the rate \(\lambda\). More...
class  ExtremeValueDist
 This class has been replaced by GumbelDist . More...
class  FatigueLifeDist
 Extends the class ContinuousDistribution for the fatigue life distribution [20]  with location parameter \(\mu\), scale parameter \(\beta\) and shape parameter \(\gamma\). More...
class  FisherFDist
 Extends the class ContinuousDistribution for the Fisher F distribution with \(n_1\) and \(n_2\) degrees of freedom, where \(n_1\) and \(n_2\) are positive integers. More...
class  FoldedNormalDist
 Extends the class ContinuousDistribution for the folded normal distribution with parameters \(\mu\ge0\) and \(\sigma> 0\). More...
class  FrechetDist
 Extends the class ContinuousDistribution for the Fréchet distribution [100]  (page 3), with location parameter \(\delta\), scale parameter \(\beta> 0\), and shape parameter \(\alpha> 0\), where we use the notation \(z = (x-\delta)/\beta\). More...
class  GammaDist
 Extends the class ContinuousDistribution for the gamma distribution [99]  (page 337) with shape parameter \(\alpha> 0\) and scale parameter \(\lambda> 0\). More...
class  GammaDistFromMoments
 Extends the GammaDist distribution with constructors accepting the mean \(\mu\) and variance \(\sigma^2\) as arguments instead of a shape parameter \(\alpha\) and a scale parameter \(\lambda\). More...
class  GumbelDist
 Extends the class ContinuousDistribution for the Gumbel distribution [100]  (page 2), with location parameter \(\delta\) and scale parameter \(\beta\neq0\). More...
class  HalfNormalDist
 Extends the class ContinuousDistribution for the half-normal distribution with parameters \(\mu\) and \(\sigma> 0\). More...
class  HyperbolicSecantDist
 Extends the class ContinuousDistribution for the hyperbolic secant distribution with location parameter \(\mu\) and scale parameter \(\sigma> 0\). More...
class  HypoExponentialDist
 This class implements the hypoexponential distribution, also called the generalized Erlang distribution. More...
class  HypoExponentialDistEqual
 This class implements the hypoexponential distribution for the case of equidistant \(\lambda_i = (n+1-i)h\). More...
class  HypoExponentialDistQuick
 This class is a subclass of HypoExponentialDist and also implements the hypoexponential distribution. More...
class  InverseGammaDist
 Extends the class ContinuousDistribution for the inverse gamma distribution with shape parameter \(\alpha> 0\) and scale parameter \(\beta> 0\), also known as the Pearson type V distribution. More...
class  InverseGaussianDist
 Extends the class ContinuousDistribution for the inverse Gaussian distribution with location parameter \(\mu> 0\) and scale parameter \(\lambda> 0\). More...
class  JohnsonSBDist
 Extends the class ContinuousDistribution for the Johnson \(S_B\) distribution [101], [118], [63]  with shape parameters \(\gamma\) and \(\delta> 0\), location parameter \(\xi\), and scale parameter \(\lambda>0\). More...
class  JohnsonSLDist
 Extends the class ContinuousDistribution for the Johnson \(S_L\) distribution (see [101], [99] ). More...
class  JohnsonSUDist
 Extends the class ContinuousDistribution for the Johnson \(S_U\) distribution (see [118]  (page 316)). More...
class  JohnsonSystem
 This class contains common parameters and methods for the Johnson system of distributions [101], [99]  with shape parameters \(\gamma\) and \(\delta> 0\), location parameter \(\xi\), and scale parameter \(\lambda>0\). More...
class  LaplaceDist
 Extends the class ContinuousDistribution for the Laplace distribution (see, e.g., [100]  (page 165)). More...
class  LogisticDist
 Extends the class ContinuousDistribution for the logistic distribution (e.g., [100]  (page 115)). More...
class  LoglogisticDist
 Extends the class ContinuousDistribution for the Log-Logistic distribution with shape parameter \(\alpha> 0\) and scale parameter \(\beta> 0\). More...
class  LognormalDist
 Extends the class ContinuousDistribution for the lognormal distribution [99] . More...
class  LognormalDistFromMoments
 Extends the LognormalDist class with a constructor accepting the mean \(m\) and the variance \(v\) of the distribution as arguments. More...
class  NakagamiDist
 Extends the class ContinuousDistribution for the Nakagami distribution with location parameter \(a\), scale parameter \(\lambda> 0\) and shape parameter \(c > 0\). More...
class  NormalDist
 Extends the class ContinuousDistribution for the normal distribution (e.g., [99]  (page 80)). More...
class  NormalDistQuick
 A variant of the class NormalDist (for the normal distribution with mean \(\mu\) and variance \(\sigma^2\)). More...
class  NormalInverseGaussianDist
 Extends the class ContinuousDistribution for the normal inverse gaussian distribution with location parameter \(\mu\), scale parameter \(\delta> 0\), tail heavyness \(\alpha> 0\), and asymmetry parameter \(\beta\) such that \(0 \le|\beta| < \alpha\). More...
class  ParetoDist
 Extends the class ContinuousDistribution for a distribution from the Pareto family, with shape parameter \(\alpha> 0\) and location parameter \(\beta> 0\) [99]  (page 574). More...
class  Pearson5Dist
 THIS CLASS HAS BEEN RENAMED InverseGammaDist . More...
class  Pearson6Dist
 Extends the class ContinuousDistribution for the Pearson type VI distribution with shape parameters \(\alpha_1 > 0\) and \(\alpha_2 > 0\), and scale parameter \(\beta> 0\). More...
class  PiecewiseLinearEmpiricalDist
 Extends the class ContinuousDistribution for a piecewise-linear approximation of the empirical distribution function, based on the observations \(X_{(1)},…,X_{(n)}\) (sorted by increasing order), and defined as follows (e.g., [118]  (page 318)). More...
class  PowerDist
 Extends the class ContinuousDistribution for the power distribution [57]  (page 161) with shape parameter \(c > 0\), over the interval \([a,b]\), where \(a < b\). More...
class  RayleighDist
 This class extends the class ContinuousDistribution for the Rayleigh distribution [57]  with location parameter \(a\), and scale parameter \(\beta> 0\). More...
class  StudentDist
 Extends the class ContinuousDistribution for the Student \(t\)-distribution [100]  (page 362) with \(n\) degrees of freedom, where \(n\) is a positive integer. More...
class  StudentDistQuick
 Extends the class StudentDist for the Student \(t\)-distribution. More...
class  TriangularDist
 Extends the class ContinuousDistribution for the triangular distribution (see [100]  (page 297) and [118]  (page 317)) with domain \([a,b]\) and mode (or shape parameter) \(m\), where \(a\le m\le b\). More...
class  TruncatedDist
 This container class takes an arbitrary continuous distribution and truncates it to an interval \([a,b]\), where \(a\) and \(b\) can be finite or infinite. More...
class  UniformDist
 Extends the class ContinuousDistribution for the uniform distribution [100]  (page 276) over the interval \([a,b]\). More...
class  WeibullDist
 This class extends the class ContinuousDistribution for the Weibull distribution [99]  (page 628) with shape parameter \(\alpha> 0\), location parameter \(\delta\), and scale parameter \(\lambda> 0\). More...

Detailed Description