LatNet Builder Manual
Software Package for Constructing Highly Uniform Point Sets
▶NLatBuilder | LatBuilder namespace |
▶NFunctor | Various functors |
CAllOf | Returns true if all of the elements evaluate to true or if there are no elements |
CBernoulliPoly | Bernoulli polynomial |
CIAAlpha | One-dimensional merit function for the interlaced \(\mathcal B_{\alpha, d, \gamma, (1)}\) discrepancy in base 2 [10] |
CIB | One-dimensional merit function for the interlaced \(\mathcal B_{d, \gamma, (2)}\) discrepancy in base 2 [10] |
CLowPass | Low pass filter |
CMax | Scalar max binary operator |
CMinElement | Minimum element functor |
CPAlpha | One-dimensional merit function for the \(\mathcal P_\alpha\) discrepancy |
CPAlphaPLR | One-dimensional merit function for the \(\mathcal{P}_{\alpha,PLR}\) discrepancy |
CPow | Raise to power |
CRPLR | One-dimensional merit function for the \(\textbf{R}\) discrepancy |
CSum | Scalar sum binary operator |
▶NGenSeq | Sequences of generator values |
▶Ndetail | |
CCoprimeIntegersBasisElement | |
CGeneratingValuesBasisElement | |
CTraversal | |
CTraversal< LatBuilder::Traversal::Random< RAND > > | |
▶CCoprimeIntegers | Indexed sequence of integers coprime with a specified modulus |
CRebindTraversal | Rebinds the traversal type |
CCreator | Creator for sequences of generator values |
CCreator< CyclicGroup< LR, COMPRESS, TRAV, ORDER > > | Creator specialization for cyclic groups |
CCreator< PowerSeq< SEQ > > | Creator specialization for PowerSeq |
CCyclicGroup | Cyclic group |
▶CCyclicGroup< LatticeType::ORDINARY, COMPRESS, TRAV, ORDER > | |
CRebindTraversal | Rebinds the traversal type |
▶CCyclicGroup< LatticeType::POLYNOMIAL, COMPRESS, TRAV, ORDER > | |
CRebindTraversal | Rebinds the traversal type |
CCyclicGroupTraits | Cyclic group traits |
CCyclicGroupTraits< CyclicGroup< LatticeType::ORDINARY, COMPRESS, TRAV, ORDER > > | |
CCyclicGroupTraits< CyclicGroup< LatticeType::POLYNOMIAL, COMPRESS, TRAV, ORDER > > | |
CCyclicGroupTraversal | Default traversal policy for cyclic groups |
CCyclicGroupTraversalTraits | Cyclic group traits |
CCyclicGroupTraversalTraits< CyclicGroupTraversal< LatticeType::ORDINARY > > | |
CCyclicGroupTraversalTraits< CyclicGroupTraversal< LatticeType::POLYNOMIAL > > | |
▶CExtend | Indexed sequence of integers that extend on an smaller integer by adding higher-order digits |
CRebindTraversal | Rebinds the traversal type |
CGeneratingValues | Indexed sequence of generating values: -For ordinary lattices: integers coprime with a specified modulus (Integer) |
▶CGeneratingValues< LatticeType::ORDINARY, COMPRESS, TRAV > | Indexed sequence of integers coprime with a specified modulus |
CRebindTraversal | Rebinds the traversal type |
▶CGeneratingValues< LatticeType::POLYNOMIAL, COMPRESS, TRAV > | Indexed sequence of Polynomials coprime with a specified polynomial modulus |
CRebindTraversal | Rebinds the traversal type |
CGeneratingValuesTraits | GeneratingValues traits |
CGeneratingValuesTraits< GeneratingValues< LatticeType::ORDINARY, COMPRESS, TRAV > > | |
CGeneratingValuesTraits< GeneratingValues< LatticeType::POLYNOMIAL, COMPRESS, TRAV > > | |
▶CPowerSeq | Sequence filter that raises values (of integers or polynomials) to a given power, optionally modulo a given modulus |
CRebindTraversal | Rebinds the traversal type |
CVectorCreator | Creator for vectors of sequences of generator values |
▶NIndexedIterator | Immutable indexed iterators |
CForward | Constant forward indexed iterator |
▶CRandom | Immutable random indexed iterator |
Cend_tag | |
▶NInterlaced | Features used for interlaced digital nets |
CIPDWeights | Class to represent interlaced projection-dependent weights |
CIPODWeights | Class to represent interlaced projection-dependent weights |
CWeightsInterlacer | Class to interlace weights in dimension \(s\) into weights in dimension \(d s\) using the \(w\) operator defined in Corollary 1 |
▶NKernel | Kernels for coordinate-uniform figures of merit |
CBase | Base base class for factories of kernel values |
CFunctorAdaptor | Generic kernel for functors |
▶CIAAlpha | |
CCorrectionProductWeights | This class mimicks the LatticeTester::ProductWeights class |
▶CIB | |
CCorrectionProductWeights | This class mimicks the LatticeTester::ProductWeights class |
CPAlpha | |
CPAlphaPLR | |
CRAlpha | One-dimensional merit function for the \(\mathcal R_\alpha\) figure of merit for any \(\alpha \geq 0\) |
▶NLatSeq | Sequences of Lattices |
▶CCBC | Sequence of lattice definitions obtained by appending a variable component to a base genrating vector |
▶Cconst_iterator | Constant iterator |
Cend_tag | |
CCombiner | Sequence of lattices based on a combination of sequences of generator values |
CKorobov | Sequence of Korobov lattices |
▶NMeritCombiner | Combiner functors for merit values |
CAccumulator | Functor that sums the merit values of embedded lattices to produce a compound merit value |
CSelectLevel | Functor that selects a the merit value of a specific embedded level as a single merit value |
▶NMeritSeq | Sequences of merit values |
▶Ndetail | |
CIsFastCompatible | |
CIsFastCompatible< GenSeq::CyclicGroup< LR, COMPRESS > > | |
▶CCBC | Sequence of lattice merit for CBC exploration |
CSeq | Output sequence of merit values |
CConcreteCoordUniformState | Default implementation of CoordUniformState that works with any implementation of LatticeTester::Weights |
CConcreteCoordUniformState< LR, ET, COMPRESS, PLO, LatBuilder::Interlaced::IPODWeights< LatBuilder::Kernel::IAAlpha > > | Implementation of CoordUniformState for IPOD weights |
CConcreteCoordUniformState< LR, ET, COMPRESS, PLO, LatBuilder::Interlaced::IPODWeights< LatBuilder::Kernel::IB > > | |
CConcreteCoordUniformState< LR, ET, COMPRESS, PLO, LatticeTester::OrderDependentWeights > | Implementation of CoordUniformState for order-dependent weights |
CConcreteCoordUniformState< LR, ET, COMPRESS, PLO, LatticeTester::PODWeights > | Implementation of CoordUniformState for POD weights |
CConcreteCoordUniformState< LR, ET, COMPRESS, PLO, LatticeTester::ProductWeights > | Implementation of CoordUniformState for product weights |
CConcreteCoordUniformState< LR, ET, COMPRESS, PLO, LatticeTester::ProjectionDependentWeights > | Implementation of CoordUniformState for projection-dependent weights |
▶CCoordUniformCBC | Sequence of lattice merit for weighted coordinate-uniform figures of merit |
▶CSeq | Output sequence from the coordinate-uniform CBC algorithm |
▶Cconst_iterator | Constant iterator |
Cend | |
▶CCoordUniformInnerProd | Standard implementation of the inner product for a sequence of vector with a single vector |
CSeq | Sequence of inner product values |
▶CCoordUniformInnerProdFast | FFT-based implementation of the inner product for a circulant sequence of vector with a single vector |
CSeq | Sequence of inner product values |
CCoordUniformState | Base base class for states used in the evaluation coordinate-uniform figures of merit |
CCoordUniformStateCreator | |
▶CLatSeqOverCBC | Sequence of merit values for any sequence of lattice definitions |
CSeq | Output sequence of merit values |
▶NNorm | Normalizations and bounds |
CIAAlpha | Bound on the interlaced \(B_{\alpha, d, \gamma, (1)}\) discrepancy |
CIB | Bound on the interlaced \(B_{d, \gamma, (2)}\) discrepancy |
CNormalizer | Generic normalizer for merit values |
CNormalizer< LR, EmbeddingType::MULTILEVEL, NORM > | Specialization of EmbeddingType::Normalizer for embedded lattices |
CNormalizer< LR, EmbeddingType::UNILEVEL, NORM > | Specialization of EmbeddingType::Normalizer for ordinary lattices |
CNormAlphaBase | Base class for bounds on the \(\mathcal P_\alpha\) values |
CPAlphaDPW08 | Bound on the average weighted \(\mathcal P_\alpha\) discrepancy |
CPAlphaPLR | Bound on the weighted \(\mathcal P_\alpha\)PLR discrepancy |
CPAlphaSL10 | Bound on the weighted \(\mathcal P_\alpha\) discrepancy |
▶NParser | String parsing facilities for LatBuilder objects |
CBadCombiner | Exception thrown when trying to parse an invalid combiner |
CBadCoordUniformFigureOfMerit | Exception thrown when trying to parse an invalid figure of merit |
CBadEmbeddingType | Exception thrown when trying to parse an invalid size parameter |
CBadFilter | Exception thrown when trying to parse an invalid filter string |
CBadKernel | Exception thrown when trying to parse an invalid kernel |
CBadLattice | Exception thrown when trying to parse an invalid lattce type |
CBadLevelWeights | Exception thrown when trying to parse an invalid filter |
CBadNorm | Exception thrown when trying to parse an invalid accumulator |
CBadProjDepMerit | Exception thrown when trying to parse an invalid combiner |
CBadWeights | Exception thrown when trying to parse an invalid weights specificaiton |
CCombinedWeights | Parser for weights |
CCommandLine | Collection of arguments required to construct a Search instance |
CCommandLine< LR, LatBuilder::EmbeddingType::MULTILEVEL > | Specialization of CommandLine for embedded lattices |
CCommandLine< LR, LatBuilder::EmbeddingType::UNILEVEL > | Specialization of CommandLine for ordinary lattices |
▶CCoordUniformFigureOfMerit | Parser for coordinate-uniform figures of merit |
CParseKernel | |
CEmbeddingType | Parser for size parameters |
CFigureOfMerit | Parser for generic weighted figures of merit |
CKernel | Parser for kernels for coordinate-uniform figures of merit |
CLatticeParametersParseHelper | Convert lattice parameter strings to the appropriate input format |
CLatticeParametersParseHelper< LatticeType::ORDINARY > | |
CLatticeParametersParseHelper< LatticeType::POLYNOMIAL > | |
CLatticeParser | Parser Lattice (ORDINARY - POLYNOMIAL) |
CLevelWeights | Parser for per-level weights |
CMeritCombiner | Parser for filters combiners for use with embedded lattices |
CMeritFilter | |
CMeritFilterList | Parser for merit transformation filters |
CParserError | Base class for parsing errors |
▶CProjDepMerit | Parser for projection-dependent figures of merit |
CParseCoordUniform | |
CSearch | Parser for coordinate-uniform figures of merit |
CSizeParam | Parser for size parameters |
▶CWeightedFigureOfMerit | Parser for generic weighted figures of merit |
CParseProjDepMerit | |
CWeights | Parser for weights |
▶NProjDepMerit | Projection-dependent figures of merit |
CBase | Base base class for projection-dependent figures of merit |
CCoordUniform | Coordinate-uniform projection-dependent figure of merit |
CEvaluator | |
CEvaluator< CoordUniform< KERNEL >, LR, ET, COMPRESS, PLO > | Evaluator for coordinate-uniform projeciton-dependent figures of merit |
CEvaluator< Spectral< NORM >, LatticeType::ORDINARY, ET, COMPRESS, PLO > | Evaluator for coordinate-uniform projeciton-dependent figures of merit |
CSpectral | Figure of merit based on the spectral test |
▶NTask | Standard tasks that can be performed by LatBuilder |
CCBCBasedSearch | Component-by-component search task |
CCBCBasedSearchTraits | Traits for CBCBasedSearch |
CCBCBasedSearchTraits< CBCTag< LR, ET, COMPRESS, PLO, FIGURE > > | |
CCBCBasedSearchTraits< EvalTag< LR, ET, COMPRESS, PLO, FIGURE > > | |
CCBCBasedSearchTraits< FastCBCTag< LR, ET, COMPRESS, PLO, CoordUniformFigureOfMerit< KERNEL > > > | |
CCBCBasedSearchTraits< FastCBCTag< LR, ET, COMPRESS, PLO, FIGURE > > | |
CCBCBasedSearchTraits< RandomCBCTag< LR, ET, COMPRESS, PLO, FIGURE > > | |
CCBCSelector | Selector the proper CBC algorithm, given a figure of merit |
CCBCSelector< LR, ET, COMPRESS, PLO, CoordUniformFigureOfMerit< KERNEL > > | |
CCBCSelector< LR, ET, COMPRESS, PLO, WeightedFigureOfMerit< PROJDEP, ACC > > | |
CCBCTag | |
CEvalTag | |
CExhaustiveTag | |
CExtend | Search task that extends the number of points of a lattice |
CFastCBCTag | |
CKorobovTag | |
CLatSeqBasedSearch | Search task based on a sequence of lattices |
CLatSeqBasedSearchTraits | Traits for LatSeqBasedSearch |
CLatSeqBasedSearchTraits< ExhaustiveTag< LR, ET, COMPRESS, PLO, FIGURE > > | |
CLatSeqBasedSearchTraits< KorobovTag< LR, ET, COMPRESS, PLO, FIGURE > > | |
CLatSeqBasedSearchTraits< RandomKorobovTag< LR, ET, COMPRESS, PLO, FIGURE > > | |
CLatSeqBasedSearchTraits< RandomTag< LR, ET, COMPRESS, PLO, FIGURE > > | |
CRandomCBCTag | |
CRandomKorobovTag | |
CRandomTag | |
▶CSearch | Base class for search tasks |
CMinObserver | Observer of the MinElement functor |
CTask | Base base class for all tasks |
▶NTextStream | Overloaded stream operators |
▶Ndetail | |
Cbracket_traits | |
Cbracket_traits_helper | |
Cbracket_traits_helper< true > | |
Chas_const_iterator | |
Cis_ostreamable | |
Cis_pair | |
Cis_set | |
▶NTraversal | Traversal types for indexable sequences |
CForward | Range-based forward traversal type |
CPolicy | Traversal policy |
CPolicy< SEQ, Forward > | Traversal policy specialization for Forward traversal |
▶CPolicy< SEQ, GenSeq::CyclicGroupTraversal< LR > > | |
▶Cconst_iterator | Immutable iterator type |
Cend_tag | |
CPolicy< SEQ, Random< RAND > > | Traversal policy specialization for Random traversal |
CRandom | Random traversal type |
▶NVectorize | Helpers to vectorize simple operations |
CBinaryOperator | Automatic dispatcher for binary operators |
CBinaryOperator< OP, true, false > | Vector-scalar specialization of BinaryOperator |
CBinaryOperator< OP, true, true > | Vector-vector specialization of BinaryOperator |
CBinaryOperatorResult | Guesses the result type of the binary operator OP given arguments of type T1 and T2 |
CIsIndexable | Type traits class that checks if T is indexable with [] |
CAccumulator | Accumulator template class |
CBasicMeritFilter | Abstract base class for filters |
CBasicMeritFilterList | Container class for merit filters |
CBasicSizeParam | Abstract CRTP base class for lattice size parameter |
CBasicStorage | Base class for storage types |
▶CBridgeIteratorCached | Bridge iterator with cached value |
Cend_tag | |
▶CBridgeIteratorCachedPtr | Bridge iterator with cached value accessible through a pointer |
Cend_tag | |
▶CBridgeIteratorDynamic | Bridge iterator with dynamically computed value |
Cend_tag | |
CBridgeSeq | Bridge CRTP class for sequence based on another type of sequence, with elements computed by the derived class |
CCachedSeq | Cached sequence wrapper |
CCartesianProduct | Iterator incrementing policy that traverses unidimensional sequences sequentially |
CClonePtr | Copyable alternative to std::unique_ptr<> for cloneable objects |
CCombinedWeights | Combined weights |
CCompressTraits | Compression types for vectors and matrices |
CCompressTraits< Compress::NONE > | No compression |
CCompressTraits< Compress::SYMMETRIC > | Symmetric compression |
CCoordUniformFigureOfMerit | Base base class for coordinate-uniform figures of merit |
CdefaultPerLevelOrder | Default per level value depending on the lattice (ordinary/polynomial) and the lattice type (ordinary/embedded) |
CdefaultPerLevelOrder< LatticeType::DIGITAL, EmbeddingType::MULTILEVEL > | |
CdefaultPerLevelOrder< LatticeType::DIGITAL, EmbeddingType::UNILEVEL > | |
CdefaultPerLevelOrder< LatticeType::ORDINARY, EmbeddingType::MULTILEVEL > | |
CdefaultPerLevelOrder< LatticeType::ORDINARY, EmbeddingType::UNILEVEL > | |
CdefaultPerLevelOrder< LatticeType::POLYNOMIAL, EmbeddingType::MULTILEVEL > | |
CdefaultPerLevelOrder< LatticeType::POLYNOMIAL, EmbeddingType::UNILEVEL > | |
CDigits | Vector of digits representing a number in an arbitrary base |
CFigureOfMerit | Abstract base class for figures of merit |
CIndexMap | Permutation of vector indices |
CLatDef | Definition of a rank-1 lattice |
CLatticeRejectedException | Exception raised by filters upon rejection of a candidate lattice rule |
CLatticeTraits | Lattice traits |
CLatticeTraits< LatticeType::DIGITAL > | Lattice traits for digital lattice rule |
CLatticeTraits< LatticeType::ORDINARY > | Lattice traits for ordinary lattice rule |
CLatticeTraits< LatticeType::POLYNOMIAL > | Lattice traits for polynomial lattice rule |
CLFSR113 | LFSR113 pseudo-random generator by L'Ecuyer |
CLFSR258 | LFSR258 pseudo-random generator by L'Ecuyer |
CMeritFilter | Generic filter wrapper for merit values |
▶CMeritFilterList | List of filters for merit values |
CSeq | Output sequence from the filters |
CMeritFilterListPolicy | Policy class template for MeritFilterList |
CMeritFilterListPolicy< LR, EmbeddingType::MULTILEVEL > | Specialization of MeritFilterListPolicy for embedded lattices |
CMeritFilterListPolicy< LR, EmbeddingType::UNILEVEL > | Specialization of MeritFilterListPolicy for ordinary lattices |
CMeritFilterTraits | Traits class template for filters of merit values |
CMeritFilterTraits< EmbeddingType::MULTILEVEL > | |
CMeritFilterTraits< EmbeddingType::UNILEVEL > | |
CPerLevelOrderTraits | |
CPerLevelOrderTraits< PerLevelOrder::BASIC, LatticeType::DIGITAL, COMPRESS > | |
CPerLevelOrderTraits< PerLevelOrder::BASIC, LR, COMPRESS > | |
CPerLevelOrderTraits< PerLevelOrder::CYCLIC, LR, COMPRESS > | |
▶CSeqCombiner | Multidimensional sequence composed of unidimensional sequences |
▶Cconst_iterator | Constant iterator |
Cend_tag | |
CSizeParam | Lattice size parameter |
CSizeParam< LR, EmbeddingType::MULTILEVEL > | Lattice size type for embedded lattices |
CSizeParam< LR, EmbeddingType::UNILEVEL > | Ordinary lattice size parameter |
CSizeParamTraits | SizeParam traits |
CSizeParamTraits< SizeParam< LatticeType::DIGITAL, ET > > | SizeParam traits for digital lattice rule |
CSizeParamTraits< SizeParam< LatticeType::ORDINARY, ET > > | SizeParam traits for ordinary lattice rule |
CSizeParamTraits< SizeParam< LatticeType::POLYNOMIAL, ET > > | SizeParam traits for polynomial lattice rule |
CStorage | Storage policy |
▶CStorage< LR, EmbeddingType::MULTILEVEL, COMPRESS, PLO > | Vector permutation for embedded lattices |
▶CLevelRanges | Sequence of ranges of indices corresponding to embedded levels |
▶Cconst_iterator | Constant iterator |
Cend_tag | |
CStorage< LR, EmbeddingType::UNILEVEL, COMPRESS, PLO > | Storage class for flat vectors |
CStorageTraits | Storage traits |
▶CStorageTraits< Storage< LatticeType::DIGITAL, EmbeddingType::MULTILEVEL, COMPRESS > > | |
CStride | Stride permutation |
CUnpermute | Unpermuted permutation |
▶CStorageTraits< Storage< LatticeType::DIGITAL, EmbeddingType::UNILEVEL, COMPRESS > > | |
CStride | Stride permutation |
CUnpermute | Unpermuted permutation |
▶CStorageTraits< Storage< LR, EmbeddingType::MULTILEVEL, COMPRESS, PLO > > | |
CStride | Stride permutation |
CUnpermute | Unpermuted permutation |
▶CStorageTraits< Storage< LR, EmbeddingType::UNILEVEL, COMPRESS > > | |
CStride | Stride permutation |
CUnpermute | Unpermuted permutation |
CTypeInfo | Framework to specify a human-readable name for data types |
CTypeInfo< boost::accumulators::tag::max > | |
CTypeInfo< boost::accumulators::tag::sum > | |
CUniformUIntDistribution | |
CWeightedFigureOfMerit | Weighted figure of merit |
CWeightedFigureOfMeritEvaluator | Evaluator for WeightedFigureOfMerit |
CWeightsDispatcher | |
CZip | Iterator incrementing policy that traverses unidimensional sequences in parallel |
▶NLatticeTester | Lattice namespace |
▶NCoordinateSets | A classes containing multiple sets of coordinates |
▶CAddCoordinate | This template class wraps any implementation of CoordinateSets and adds a specific coordinate to each coordinate sets |
▶Cconst_iterator | |
Cend_tag | |
▶CFromRanges | A CoordinateSets for coordinates within a given range |
▶Cconst_iterator | An iterator class used internaly by the FromRange class |
Cend_tag | |
▶CSubsets | This class implements CoordinateSets for any set of coordinates |
▶Cconst_iterator | An iterator class used internaly by the Subsets class |
Cend_tag | |
CCoordinates | This is basically a std::set<std::size_t> |
CIntFactor | The objects of this class are the "prime" factors in the decomposition of a positive integer |
CIntLattice | This class is a skeleton for the implementation of different types of lattices of arbitrary rank |
CIntLatticeBasis | This class represents a lattice and its basis and offers tools to do basic manipulations on lattice bases |
CLacunary | This class implements sets of lacunary indices |
CLatTestWriter | This is an abstract class that represents an interface to Writer classes |
CLatTestWriterRes | This class is a simple implementation of the LatTestWriter abstract class to write in plain text format on the stream |
CLatticeAnalysis | This class gathers other classes of LatticeTester to create an object performing tests on lattices |
CLatticeTesterConfig | This class is used to save the configuration of a lattice test |
CNormaBestLat | This class implements the best theoretical bounds on the length of the shortest nonzero vector in a lattice, based on the densest sphere packing in lattices |
CNormaLaminated | This class implements theoretical bounds on the length of the shortest nonzero vector in a lattice, based on the densest sphere packing in laminated lattices |
CNormalizer | Classes which inherit from this base class are used in implementing bounds on the length of the shortest nonzero vector in a lattice [3] |
CNormaMinkL1 | This class implements theoretical bounds on the length of the shortest nonzero vector in a lattice, based on the densest sphere packing in space |
CNormaMinkowski | This class implements *Minkowski*’s theoretical bounds on the length of the shortest nonzero vector in a lattice |
CNormaPalpha | This class implements theoretical bounds on the values of \(P_{\alpha}\) for a lattice (see class Palpha ) |
CNormaRogers | This class implements the Rogers bounds on the density of sphere packing |
COrderDependentWeights | Order-dependent weights |
CParamReader | Utility class that can be used to read different kind of data from a file |
CPODWeights | Product and order-dependent (POD) weights |
CProductWeights | Product weights |
CProjectionDependentWeights | Projection-dependent weights |
CRandom | This class generates random numbers (in fact pseudo-random numbers) |
CRank1Lattice | This class implements a general rank 1 lattice basis |
CReducer | This class implements (or wraps from NTL) all the functions that are needed to reduce a basis |
CspecLatticeAnalysis | This structure specializes certain members of LatticeAnalysis |
CspecLatticeAnalysis< NTL::ZZ, NTL::ZZ, Dbl, RedDbl > | |
CspecLatticeAnalysis< std::int64_t, std::int64_t, Dbl, RedDbl > | |
CTypes | Sets standard typedef ’s for the types that can be used in LatticeTester |
CUniformWeights | This class is used to implement the same weight for all projections |
CWeights | Abstract weights class |
▶NNetBuilder | NetBuilder namespace |
▶NFigureOfMerit | Figures of merit that can be computed by NetBuilder |
CBitEquidistribution | Bit equidistribution figure |
CCBCFigureOfMerit | Abstract class for figure of merit which can be evaluated in a CBC way |
CCBCFigureOfMeritEvaluator | Evaluator abstract class to evaluate figure of merit for a net in a CBC way |
CCombinedFigureOfMerit | Aggregation of figures of merit computed in a specific order |
CCoordUniformFigureOfMerit | Class which represents a coordinate uniform figure of merit based on a kernel which is the template parameter |
CFigureOfMerit | Abstract class to represent any figure of merit |
CFigureOfMeritEvaluator | Evaluator abstract class to evaluate figure of merit for a net |
CProjectionDependentEvaluator | Class to implement the evaluation of specific projection-dependent weighted figure of merit where the merits of the subprojections of order one less are used to compute the merit of a bigger projection, for instance the t-value of subprojections |
CResolutionGapProjMerit | Template class representing a projection-dependent merit defined by the resolution-gap of the projection |
CResolutionGapProjMerit< EmbeddingType::MULTILEVEL > | Template specialization of the projection-dependent merit defined by the resolution-gap of the projection in the case of multilevel nets |
CResolutionGapProjMerit< EmbeddingType::UNILEVEL > | Template specialization of the projection-dependent merit defined by the resolution-gap of the projection in the case of unilevel nets |
CTValue | Class to represent figure of merit based on the t-value of a net |
CTValueProjMerit | Template class representing a projection-dependent merit defined by the t-value of the projection |
CTValueProjMerit< EmbeddingType::MULTILEVEL, METHOD > | Template specialization of the projection-dependent merit defined by the t-value of the projection in the case of multilevel nets |
CTValueProjMerit< EmbeddingType::UNILEVEL, METHOD > | Template specialization of the projection-dependent merit defined by the t-value of the projection in the case of unilevel nets |
CTValueTransformedProjMerit | Template class inheriting from NetBuilder::TValueProjMerit to implement a transformed version of the t-value based projection-dependent merit |
CTValueTransformedProjMerit< EmbeddingType::MULTILEVEL, METHOD > | Template specialization of the projection-dependent merit defined by the t-value of the projection in the case of multilevel nets |
CTValueTransformedProjMerit< EmbeddingType::UNILEVEL, METHOD > | Template specialization of the projection-dependent merit defined by the transformed t-value of the projection in the case of unilevel nets |
▶CWeightedFigureOfMerit | Class which represents a weighted figure of merit based on a projection dependent merit whose type is the template parameter |
CWeightedFigureOfMeritEvaluator | Template specialization of the evaluator for the weighted figure of merit based on the t-value projection-dependent merit in the case of unilevel nets |
▶NJoeKuo | This namespace contains the various parameters used by S |
CCombiner | \(D^{(q)} \)Combiner used by Joe and Kuo in [14] |
CWeights | Weights used by Joe and Kuo in [14] |
▶NLevelCombiner | |
CLevelCombiner | |
CLevelSelectorCombiner | Level selector combiner |
CMaxCombiner | Maximum combiner |
CSumCombiner | Sum combiner |
▶NParser | String parsing facilities for NetBuilder objects |
CBadEmbeddingType | Exception thrown when trying to parse an invalid embedding type |
CBadExplorationMethod | Exception thrown when trying to parse an invalid exploration method |
CBadFigure | Exception thrown when trying to parse an invalid size parameter |
CBadLevelCombiner | Exception thrown when trying to parse an invalid combiner |
CBadNetConstruction | Exception thrown when trying to parse an invalid construction type |
CBadNetDescription | Exception thrown when trying to parse an invalid net description |
CBadSizeParameter | Exception thrown when trying to parse an invalid size parameter |
CCommandLine | Collection of arguments required to construct a Search instance |
CComputeMaxCardFromWeights | Helper structure template to compute the maximal order of subprojections with non zero weights when possible |
CEmbeddingTypeParser | Parser for size parameters |
CExplorationMethodParser | Parser for exploration methods |
CFigureParser | Parser for figures |
CLevelCombinerParser | Parser for combiners |
CLevelCombinerParser< NC, NetBuilder::EmbeddingType::MULTILEVEL > | |
CLevelCombinerParser< NC, NetBuilder::EmbeddingType::UNILEVEL > | |
CNetConstructionParser | Parser for construction types |
CNetConstructionParser< EmbeddingType::MULTILEVEL > | |
CNetConstructionParser< EmbeddingType::UNILEVEL > | |
CNetDescriptionParser | Parser for net descriptions |
CNetDescriptionParser< NetConstruction::EXPLICIT, ET > | |
CNetDescriptionParser< NetConstruction::POLYNOMIAL, ET > | |
CNetDescriptionParser< NetConstruction::SOBOL, ET > | |
CSizeParameterParser | Parser for size parameters |
CSizeParameterParser< NetConstruction::EXPLICIT, ET > | |
CSizeParameterParser< NetConstruction::POLYNOMIAL, ET > | |
CSizeParameterParser< NetConstruction::SOBOL, ET > | |
▶NTask | Standard tasks that can be performed by LatBuilder |
CCBCSearch | Class for CBC Search tasks |
CEval | |
CExhaustiveSearch | Class for exhaustive search tasks |
CFullCBCExplorer | Class to explorer exhaustively a search space using the CBC search algorithm |
CMinimumObserver | Observer of the best figure of merit |
CMixedCBCExplorer | Class to explorer first exhaustively and then randomly a search space using the CBC search algorithm |
CRandomCBCExplorer | Class to explorer randomly a search space using the CBC search algorithm |
CRandomSearch | Class for CBC Search tasks |
CSearch | Virtual base class for search task |
CTask | Base base class for all tasks |
CAccumulator | Accumulator class |
CAddBinaryOperator | Add binary operation class |
CCBCCoordinateSet | CBC sequence of coordinate sets |
CDigitalNet | Definition of a digital net in base 2 |
CDigitalNetConstruction | Derived class of DigitalNet designed to implement specific construction methods |
CGaussMethod | Class to compute the t-value of a projection of a digital net in base 2 |
CGeneratingMatrix | This class implements a generating matrix of a digital net in base 2 |
CMaxBinaryOperator | Max binary operation class |
CNetConstructionTraits | Digital net construction traits |
▶CNetConstructionTraits< NetConstruction::EXPLICIT > | |
CRandomGenValueGenerator | |
CRandomGenValueGenerator< EmbeddingType::MULTILEVEL, RAND > | |
CRandomGenValueGenerator< EmbeddingType::UNILEVEL, RAND > | |
▶CNetConstructionTraits< NetConstruction::POLYNOMIAL > | |
CRandomGenValueGenerator | |
▶CNetConstructionTraits< NetConstruction::SOBOL > | |
▶CGenValueSpaceCoordSeq | |
▶Cconst_iterator | |
Cend_tag | |
CRandomGenValueGenerator | |
CProgressiveRowReducer | Class used to perform row reduction operations on a matrix |
CSchmidMethod | Class to compute the t-value of a projection of a digital net in base 2 |
▶NNTL | The two floowing two classes are copies from NTL::Vec<T> and NTL::Mat<T>, but they contain additional member functions having same names to the ones used in boost library |
Cmatrix | A subclass of the NTL::Mat<T> class |
Cmatrix_row | An extension of NTL::vector<T> implemented in this module to be used as a matrix row |
Cvector | A subclass of the NTL::Vec<T> class |
CCompositionMaker | Generator of all the compositions of an integer in a specific number of parts |
▶Cfftw | Wrapper for a subset of FFTW: FFT's for real functions in one dimension |
Callocator | STL allocator replacement using FFTW's memory allocation functions |
Cc_api | Specialization of c_api for double precision |