LatNet Builder Manual  2.0.1-11
Software Package for Constructing Highly Uniform Point Sets
NetBuilder::Task::Eval Class Reference

Inherits NetBuilder::Task::Task.

Public Member Functions

 Eval (std::unique_ptr< DigitalNet > net, std::unique_ptr< FigureOfMerit::FigureOfMerit > figure, int verbose=0)
 Eval (Eval &&)=default
Dimension dimension () const
 Returns the dimension.
unsigned int nRows ()
unsigned int nCols ()
const DigitalNetnet () const
 Returns the best net found by the search task.
virtual std::string outputNet (OutputFormat outputFormat, unsigned int interlacingFactor) const
 Returns the best net found by the search task.
virtual std::string format () const
 Returns information about the task.
Real meritValue () const
 Returns the best merit value found by the search task.
virtual Real outputMeritValue () const
 Returns the best merit value found by the search task.
const FigureOfMerit::FigureOfMeritfigureOfMerit () const
virtual void execute ()
 Executes the search task. More...
virtual void reset ()
 Resets the task.
virtual void reset (std::unique_ptr< DigitalNet > net)

Member Function Documentation

◆ execute()

virtual void NetBuilder::Task::Eval::execute ( )

Executes the search task.

The best net and merit value are set in the process.

Implements NetBuilder::Task::Task.

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