LatNet Builder Manual  2.0.1-11
Software Package for Constructing Highly Uniform Point Sets
NetBuilder Namespace Reference

NetBuilder namespace. More...


 Figures of merit that can be computed by NetBuilder.
This namespace contains the various parameters used by S.
 String parsing facilities for NetBuilder objects.
 Standard tasks that can be performed by LatBuilder.


class  Accumulator
 Accumulator class. More...
struct  AddBinaryOperator
 Add binary operation class. More...
class  CBCCoordinateSet
 CBC sequence of coordinate sets. More...
class  DigitalNet
 Definition of a digital net in base 2. More...
class  DigitalNetConstruction
 Derived class of DigitalNet designed to implement specific construction methods. More...
struct  GaussMethod
 Class to compute the t-value of a projection of a digital net in base 2. More...
class  GeneratingMatrix
 This class implements a generating matrix of a digital net in base 2. More...
struct  MaxBinaryOperator
 Max binary operation class. More...
struct  NetConstructionTraits
 Digital net construction traits. More...
struct  NetConstructionTraits< NetConstruction::EXPLICIT >
struct  NetConstructionTraits< NetConstruction::POLYNOMIAL >
struct  NetConstructionTraits< NetConstruction::SOBOL >
class  ProgressiveRowReducer
 Class used to perform row reduction operations on a matrix. More...
struct  SchmidMethod
 Class to compute the t-value of a projection of a digital net in base 2. More...


typedef unsigned long uInteger
 Scalar unsigned integer .
typedef double Real
 Scalar floating-point type.
typedef boost::numeric::ublas::vector< RealRealVector
 Vector of floating-point values.
typedef Real MeritValue
 Merit value type.
typedef size_t Dimension
 Scalar integer type for dimension.
typedef LatBuilder::EmbeddingType EmbeddingType
 Type of nets.
typedef LatBuilder::Polynomial Polynomial
 polynomial over Z/2Z type
typedef NTL::ZZX IntPolynomial
 polynomial with arbitrary integers


enum  NetConstruction { SOBOL, POLYNOMIAL, EXPLICIT }
 Net construction methods.
enum  OutputFormat { HUMAN, MACHINE }
 Output format for nets.


int main (int argc, const char *argv[])
 Sets the path to the directory containing the latnetbuilder executable. More...
 Recovers the path to the latnetbuilder executable if it was added to the PATH environment variable.
void SET_PATH_TO_LATNETBUILDER_DIR (const std::string &path)
 Sets the path to the directory in which the latnetbuilder executable is located. More...
 Checks if the PATH_TO_LATNETBUILDER_DIR is correctly set: existence of the latnetbuilder executable in the directory and existence of the ../share/latnetbuilder/data and ../share/latticetester/data directories.
template<typename T >
intPow (T base, unsigned long exponent)
Polynomial polynomialParserHelper (const std::string &str)


 Path to the directory containing the latnetbuilder executable.

Detailed Description

NetBuilder namespace.

Class and type definitions that are specific to NetBuilder.

Function Documentation


void NetBuilder::SET_PATH_TO_LATNETBUILDER_DIR ( const std::string &  path)

Sets the path to the directory in which the latnetbuilder executable is located.

path can be a relative path from the executable directory (in this case when the executable is called the current working directory must match the executable location). Alternatively, path can be a relative path from the working directory from which the executable will be called. Finally, path can be an absolute path.



void NetBuilder::SET_PATH_TO_LATNETBUILDER_DIR_FROM_PROGRAM_NAME ( const char *  argv0)

Sets the path to the directory containing the latnetbuilder executable.

Should only be call from an executable which is located in the same directory as the latnetbuilder executable.

argv0argv[0] from the main function arguments.