SSJ  3.3.1
Stochastic Simulation in Java
QQPlot Member List

This is the complete list of members for QQPlot, including all inherited members.

add(double[] x, double[] y, String name, String plotStyle)XYLineChart
add(double[] x, double[] y)XYLineChart
add(double[] x, double[] y, int numPoints)XYLineChart
add(double[][] data)XYLineChart
add(double[][] data, int numPoints)XYLineChart
autoRange (defined in XYChart)XYChartprotected
chart (defined in XYChart)XYChartprotected
chartMargin (defined in XYChart)XYChartprotected
computeScale(double[] bounds) (defined in XYChart)XYChartprotected
computeXScale(double position) (defined in XYChart)XYChartprotected
computeYScale(double position) (defined in XYChart)XYChartprotected
dataset (defined in XYChart)XYChartprotected
drawVerticalLine(double x, String name, double yfrac, boolean right)XYChart
enableGrid(double xstep, double ystep)XYChart
grid (defined in XYChart)XYChartprotected
init(String title, String XLabel, String YLabel) (defined in XYLineChart)XYLineChartprotected
initAxis() (defined in XYLineChart)XYLineChartprotected
latexDocFlag (defined in XYChart)XYChartprotected
manualRange (defined in XYChart)XYChartprotected
probFlag (defined in XYChart)XYChartprotected
QQPlot(String title, String XLabel, String YLabel, ContinuousDistribution dist, double[] X)QQPlot
QQPlot(String title, String XLabel, String YLabel, ContinuousDistribution dist, double[] X, int numPoints)QQPlot
QQPlot(String title, String XLabel, String YLabel, ContinuousDistribution dist, double[][] data, int r)QQPlot
setAutoRange(boolean right, boolean top)XYChart
setAutoRange(boolean xZero, boolean yZero, boolean right, boolean top) (defined in XYChart)XYChartprotected
setAutoRange00(boolean xZero, boolean yZero)XYChart
setChartMargin(double margin)XYChart
setLatexDocFlag(boolean flag)XYChart
setManualRange(double[] range)XYChart
setManualRange(double[] range, boolean right, boolean top)XYChart
setManualRange00(double[] range, boolean xZero, boolean yZero)XYChart
setprobFlag(boolean flag)XYChart
setSeriesCollection(XYListSeriesCollection dataset)XYLineChart
setTick0Flags() (defined in XYChart)XYChartprotected
setTicksSynchro(int s)XYLineChart
setTitle(String title)XYChart
toLatex(double width, double height) (defined in XYLineChart)XYLineChart
toLatexFile(String fileName, double width, double height)XYChart
view(int width, int height)XYLineChart
viewBar(int width, int height)XYLineChart
XAxis (defined in XYChart)XYChartprotected
xstepGrid (defined in XYChart)XYChartprotected
XYLineChart(String title, String XLabel, String YLabel, double[][]... data)XYLineChart
XYLineChart(String title, String XLabel, String YLabel, double[][] data, int numPoints)XYLineChart
XYLineChart(String title, String XLabel, String YLabel, double[][] data, int x, int y)XYLineChart
XYLineChart(String title, String XLabel, String YLabel, DoubleArrayList... data)XYLineChart
XYLineChart(String title, String XLabel, String YLabel, XYSeriesCollection data)XYLineChart
YAxis (defined in XYChart)XYChartprotected
ystepGrid (defined in XYChart)XYChartprotected