LatNet Builder Manual
Software Package for Constructing Highly Uniform Point Sets
The FigureOfMerit abstract class represents the various figures of merit supported by NetBuilder for digital nets.
This class works with another abstract class, FigureOfMeritEvaluator, which can evaluate figures of merit for digital nets.
This scheme is used in the following code example:
First, a figure of merit is created. It corresponds to the t-value:
Then, the evaluator associated to this figure of merit is instantiated:
We create a digital net (Sobol' construction) in dimension 10 with \(2^{15}\) points, using the direction number given by Joe and Kuo in [14] :
We finally compute the t-value of the net using the evaluator:
Most figures of merit can be evaluated in a CBC-way: this corresponds to the CBCFigureOfMerit abstract class which derives from FigureOfMerit. Its evaluator (of type CBCFigureOfMeritEvaluator) has additional methods to compute the figure of merit in a CBC way.
First, a figure of merit is created. It corresponds to the \(\mathcal P_2\) discrepancy:
Then, the evaluator associated to this figure of merit is instantiated:
We first compute the merit value for all coordinates at once:
We can reproduce this computation using the CBC-way:
The complete example can be found in tutorial/