An OpenCL library for probability distributions
Data Structures | Typedefs
clProbDist_template.h File Reference

Template of the API for specific probability distributions (not to be included as is!) More...

#include <clProbDist.h>

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  clprobdistObject
 Distribution object [device]. More...


typedef cl_double vartype
 Random variable data type. More...


Functions to create and destroy distribution objects
clprobdistObjectclprobdistCreate (DIST_PARAMS, size_t *bufSize, clprobdistStatus *err)
 Create a distribution object. More...
clprobdistStatus clprobdistDestroy (clprobdistObject *dist)
 Destroy a distribution object. More...
Functions for use with a distribution object

These functions take a distribution object as their first argument. Some distribution objects contain precomputed values that can accelerate multiple evaluations of certain functions. When this is not needed, one can use the API below of functions with explicit distribution parameters, that do not require the prior creation of a distribution object.

cl_double clprobdistDensityWithObject (const clprobdistObject *dist, cl_double x, clprobdistStatus *err)
 Probability density function [device]. More...
cl_double clprobdistProbWithObject (const clprobdistObject *dist, cl_int x, clprobdistStatus *err)
 Probability mass function [device]. More...
cl_double clprobdistCDFWithObject (const clprobdistObject *dist, vartype x, clprobdistStatus *err)
 Cumulative density function [device]. More...
cl_double clprobdistComplCDFWithObject (const clprobdistObject *dist, vartype x, clprobdistStatus *err)
 Complementary CDF or reliability function [device]. More...
vartype clprobdistInverseCDFWithObject (const clprobdistObject *dist, cl_double u, clprobdistStatus *err)
 Inverse cumulative density function [device]. More...
cl_double clprobdistMeanWithObject (const clprobdistObject *dist, clprobdistStatus *err)
 Mean of the distribution [device]. More...
cl_double clprobdistVarianceWithObject (const clprobdistObject *dist, clprobdistStatus *err)
 Variance of the distribution [device]. More...
cl_double clprobdistStdDeviationWithObject (const clprobdistObject *dist, clprobdistStatus *err)
 Standard deviation of the distribution [device]. More...
clprobdistStatus clprobdistCopyOverFromGlobal (_CLPROBDIST_< DIST >_OBJ_MEM clprobdistObject *destDist, __global const clprobdistObject *srcDist)
 Copy a distribution object into already allocated memory [device-only]. More...
Functions for use with explicit distribution parameters

These functions do not require a previously created distribution objects. They take the distribution parameters as their first arguments (see the description of DIST_PARAMS in Implemented distributions). They cannot take advantage of precomputed values for the distributions.

cl_double clprobdistDensity (DIST_PARAMS, cl_double x, clprobdistStatus *err)
 Probability density function [device]. More...
cl_double clprobdistProb (DIST_PARAMS, cl_int x, clprobdistStatus *err)
 Probability mass function [device]. More...
cl_double clprobdistCDF (DIST_PARAMS, vartype x, clprobdistStatus *err)
 Cumulative density function [device]. More...
cl_double clprobdistComplCDF (DIST_PARAMS, vartype x, clprobdistStatus *err)
 Complementary CDF or reliability function [device]. More...
vartype clprobdistInverseCDF (DIST_PARAMS, cl_double u, clprobdistStatus *err)
 Inverse cumulative density function [device]. More...
cl_double clprobdistMean (DIST_PARAMS, clprobdistStatus *err)
 Mean of the distribution [device]. More...
cl_double clprobdistVariance (DIST_PARAMS, clprobdistStatus *err)
 Variance of the distribution [device]. More...
cl_double clprobdistStdDeviation (DIST_PARAMS, clprobdistStatus *err)
 Standard deviation of the distribution [device]. More...

Detailed Description

Template of the API for specific probability distributions (not to be included as is!)

The function and type names in this API all start with clprobdist. In each specific implementation, prefixes to function names are expanded to a specific prefix and the generic distribution object type clprobdistObject is replaced with a specific distribution object type. Also, vartype is replaced with cl_double for continuous distributions or with cl_int for discrete distributions. For example, the generic declaration

vartype clprobdistInverseCDFWithObject(const clprobdistObject* dist, cl_double u, clprobdistStatus* err);

expands to

cl_int clprobdistPoissonInverseCDFWithObject(const clprobdistPoisson* dist, cl_double u, clprobdistStatus* err);

for the Poisson distribution, and to

cl_double clprobdistExponentialInverseCDFWithObject(const clprobdistExponential* dist, cl_double u, clprobdistStatus* err);

for the normal distribution.

The API of each distribution, except for the standard normal that has no parameter, comes in two flavors: using a distribution object or using explicit distribution parameters. Since the number of parameters and their names vary across distributions, in the generic description of the API below, the list of distribution parameters is abbreviated by DIST_PARAMS in the function signatures, and should be replaced by the appropriate list of parameters, given in Implemented distributions for each distribution.

Host and Device APIs

The functions described here are all available on the host, in all implementations, unless specified otherwise. Only some of the functions and types are also available on the device in addition to the host; they are tagged with [device]. Other functions are only available on the device; they are tagged with [device-only]. Some functions return an error code in err.

Explain that on the device, the distribution object needs to be copied to local memory. (Is this actually faster than the cache for global read-only memory?)

Typedef Documentation

typedef cl_double vartype

Random variable data type.

Either cl_doubld or cl_int, depending on the distribution. See Implemented distributions.

Maybe remove this. This is here to allow to document both continuous and discrete distributions together.

Function Documentation

clprobdistObject* clprobdistCreate ( DIST_PARAMS  ,
size_t *  bufSize,
clprobdistStatus err 

Create a distribution object.

Create a new distribution object. Since this function allocates memory for the new distribution object; clprobdistDestroy() must be called to release the allocated memory.

For each distribution type, the token DIST_PARAMS expands to a list of the probability distribution parameters specific to the type of distribution. See Implemented distributions for more details.

[out]bufSizeSize in bytes of the created distribution object, or NULL.
[out]errError status variable, or NULL.
New distribution object.
clprobdistStatus clprobdistDestroy ( clprobdistObject dist)

Destroy a distribution object.

Release the resources associated to a distribution object.

[in,out]distDistribution object.
Error status.
cl_double clprobdistDensityWithObject ( const clprobdistObject dist,
cl_double  x,
clprobdistStatus err 

Probability density function [device].

Return \(f(x)\), the value at \(x=\)x of the probability density function associated with the distribution object dist.

This function is defined only for continuous distributions (see Implemented distributions).

[in]distDistribution object.
[in]xValue of \(x\).
[out]errError status variable, or NULL.
Value of \(f(x)\).
cl_double clprobdistProbWithObject ( const clprobdistObject dist,
cl_int  x,
clprobdistStatus err 

Probability mass function [device].

Return \(p(x)\), the probability of \(x\) associated with the distribution object dist.

This function is defined only for discrete distributions (see Implemented distributions).

[in]distDistribution object.
[in]xValue of \(x\).
[out]errError status variable, or NULL.
Value of \(p(x)\).
cl_double clprobdistCDFWithObject ( const clprobdistObject dist,
vartype  x,
clprobdistStatus err 

Cumulative density function [device].

Return \(F(x)\), the value at \(x=\)x of the distribution function associated with the distribution object dist.

[in]distDistribution object.
[in]xValue of \(x\).
[out]errError status variable, or NULL.
Value of \(F(x)\).
cl_double clprobdistComplCDFWithObject ( const clprobdistObject dist,
vartype  x,
clprobdistStatus err 

Complementary CDF or reliability function [device].

Return \(\bar F(x)\), the value of the complementary distribution function associated with the distribution object dist.

[in]distDistribution object.
[in]xValue of \(x\).
[out]errError status variable, or NULL.
Value of \(\bar F(x)\).
vartype clprobdistInverseCDFWithObject ( const clprobdistObject dist,
cl_double  u,
clprobdistStatus err 

Inverse cumulative density function [device].

Return \(F^{-1}(u)\), the value at \(u=\)u of the inverse distribution function associated with the distribution object dist. The type of the return value is cl_int for a discrete distribution of cl_double for a continuous distribution.

[in]distDistribution object.
[in]uValue of \(u \in [0,1]\).
[out]errError status variable, or NULL.
Value of \(F^{-1}(u)\).
cl_double clprobdistMeanWithObject ( const clprobdistObject dist,
clprobdistStatus err 

Mean of the distribution [device].

Return the mean of the distribution associated with the distribution object dist.

[in]distDistribution object.
[out]errError status variable, or NULL.
Mean of the distribution.
cl_double clprobdistVarianceWithObject ( const clprobdistObject dist,
clprobdistStatus err 

Variance of the distribution [device].

Return the variance of the distribution associated with the distribution object dist.

[in]distDistribution object.
[out]errError status variable, or NULL.
Variance of the distribution.
cl_double clprobdistStdDeviationWithObject ( const clprobdistObject dist,
clprobdistStatus err 

Standard deviation of the distribution [device].

Return the standard deviation of the distribution associated with the distribution object dist.

[in]distDistribution object.
[out]errError status variable, or NULL.
Standard deviation of the distribution.
clprobdistStatus clprobdistCopyOverFromGlobal ( _CLPROBDIST_< DIST >_OBJ_MEM clprobdistObject destDist,
__global const clprobdistObject srcDist 

Copy a distribution object into already allocated memory [device-only].

Copy the distribution object srcDist located in global memory into the buffer destDist located in local or private memory. This function does not allocate memory for the distribution object, it assumes that this has already been done.

When the distribution API is configured to use distribution objects stored in global memory (the default), there is no need to copy distribution objects across memory types, since the kernel already receives them in global memory (see Device memory types). The same applies to constant memory. In such cases, this function is not defined.

[out]destDistDestination buffer into which to copy (its content will be overwritten). The qualifier _CLPROBDIST_<DIST>_OBJ_MEM, where <DIST> is the uppercase distribution name, is replaced with the OpenCL keywords __private or __local, respectively.
[in]srcDistDistribution object to be copied.
Error status
This function is available only on the device.
cl_double clprobdistDensity ( DIST_PARAMS  ,
cl_double  x,
clprobdistStatus err 

Probability density function [device].

Same as clprobdistDensityWithObject(), but with explicit distribution parameters instead of distribution object.

This function is defined only for continuous distributions (see Implemented distributions).

See Implemented distributions for the expansion of DIST_PARAMS.

[in]xValue of \(x\).
[out]errError status variable, or NULL.
Value of \(f(x)\).
cl_double clprobdistProb ( DIST_PARAMS  ,
cl_int  x,
clprobdistStatus err 

Probability mass function [device].

Same as clprobdistProbWithObject(), but with explicit distribution parameters instead of distribution object.

This function is defined only for discrete distributions (see Implemented distributions).

See Implemented distributions for the expansion of DIST_PARAMS.

[in]xValue of \(x\).
[out]errError status variable, or NULL.
Value of \(f(x)\).
cl_double clprobdistCDF ( DIST_PARAMS  ,
vartype  x,
clprobdistStatus err 

Cumulative density function [device].

Same as clprobdistCDFWithObject(), but with explicit distribution parameters instead of distribution object.

See Implemented distributions for the expansion of DIST_PARAMS.

[in]xValue of \(x\).
[out]errError status variable, or NULL.
Value of \(F(x)\).
cl_double clprobdistComplCDF ( DIST_PARAMS  ,
vartype  x,
clprobdistStatus err 

Complementary CDF or reliability function [device].

Same as clprobdistComplCDFWithObject(), but with explicit distribution parameters instead of distribution object.

See Implemented distributions for the expansion of DIST_PARAMS.

[in]xValue of \(x\).
[out]errError status variable, or NULL.
Value of \(\bar F(x)\).
vartype clprobdistInverseCDF ( DIST_PARAMS  ,
cl_double  u,
clprobdistStatus err 

Inverse cumulative density function [device].

Same as clprobdistInverseCDFWithObject(), but with explicit distribution parameters instead of distribution object.

See Implemented distributions for the expansion of DIST_PARAMS.

[in]uValue of \(u \in [0,1]\).
[out]errError status variable, or NULL.
Value of \(F^{-1}(u)\).
cl_double clprobdistMean ( DIST_PARAMS  ,
clprobdistStatus err 

Mean of the distribution [device].

Same as clprobdistMeanWithObject(), but with explicit distribution parameters instead of distribution object.

See Implemented distributions for the expansion of DIST_PARAMS.

[out]errError status variable, or NULL.
Mean of the distribution.
cl_double clprobdistVariance ( DIST_PARAMS  ,
clprobdistStatus err 

Variance of the distribution [device].

Same as clprobdistVarianceWithObject(), but with explicit distribution parameters instead of distribution object.

See Implemented distributions for the expansion of DIST_PARAMS.

[out]errError status variable, or NULL.
Variance of the distribution.
cl_double clprobdistStdDeviation ( DIST_PARAMS  ,
clprobdistStatus err 

Standard deviation of the distribution [device].

Same as clprobdistStdDeviationWithObject(), but with explicit distribution parameters instead of distribution object.

See Implemented distributions for the expansion of DIST_PARAMS.

[out]errError status variable, or NULL.
Standard deviation of the distribution.